books by author

Mary Magdalen: Myth and Metaphor

How to Survive Retirement: Charming Cartoons and Funny Advice to Help You Make the Most of Your Post-Work Years

When In Rome . . .: An Alternative Guide for World Travellers

So You're 40

Manual of Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine

Wrinklies Joke Book: Jokes, Quotes and Funny Stories for the Golden Generation

So You're 70!: Charming Cartoons and Funny Observations about Turning 70

So You're 70!

Wrinklies: A Trip Down Memory Lane

How to Survive Being a Dog Owner: Tongue-In-Cheek Advice and Cheeky Illustrations about Being a Dog Owner

Count Your Way Through Afganistan

Delivering Justice: W.W. Law and the Fight for Civil Rights

So You're 40: A Handbook for the Newly Middle-aged

Rosa Parks: My Story

So You're 50!: The Age You Never Thought You'd Reach


Little Book of Wrinklies Jokes

How to Survive University

So You're 60!: A Handbook for the Newly Confused

The Life and Death of Martin Luther King, JR.

Get on Board: The Story of the Underground Railroad

The Day Martin Luther King JR. Was Shot

The Day Martin Luther King JR. Was Shot

Man Walks Into A Bar: The Ultimate Collection of Jokes and One-Liners