books by author

PM Non Fiction Level 29&30 Exploration & Discovery (6) Sapphire

Values in Education (Continuum Studies in Research in Education)

The London Pub

The English Pub: A History

PM Plus Level 19 Fiction Mixed Pack Purple(10): Bend, Stretch, And Leap PM PLUS Level 19 Purple: 2
Euripides Alcestis

Repercussions: Celebration of African-American Music

Gavin Grasshopper's Costume (Magic Sounds Book)

The "Which?" Guide to Country Pubs ("Which?" Guides)

Faith in Education: A tribute to Terence McLaughlin

Dallas Dog (Magic Sounds Series 2)

PM Sapphire Non-Fiction Dark Zones, Exploring Caves (X6): Dark Zones, Exploring Caves PM Sapphire Non-Fiction

The Tripartite Synapse: Glia in Synaptic Transmission

"Time Out" London for Children 2006/7

Rosie Robin's Birthday Surprise (Magic Sounds Book)

Destiny (GOLLANCZ S.F.)

London for Children (Time Out London for Children)