books by author

The Farmyard Band: Sound (Reader's Digest Little Learners S.)

Bobbing Joe: Floating (Reader's Digest Little Learners S.)

Supply Side Economics (Studies in the UK Economy S.)

Economic Activity and Land Use The Changing Information Base for Localand Regional Studies

The Animals at Lockwood Manor: Jane Healey

The New Art of Flower Design

1970s (Picture History of the 20th Century)

The World's Greatest Crimes of Passion

Hertfordshire (Shell Guides)

The Queen's House: A Social History of Buckingham Palace (The Royal collection)

The Time of My Life

The Early Alphabet (Reading the Past S.)

A Reference Grammar of Modern French

The World's Greatest Trials
Encyclopaedia of Vegetable Gardening (Colour Encyclopedia)

Stranger Than Fiction New Edition (Penguin Readers (Graded Readers))

Applied Economics

Women (Imprint Books)

1960s (Picture History of the 20th Century)

Statistics: A Tool for Social Research

Principles of Automatic Control

Lady Unknown: Life of Angela Burdett-Coutts

Elizabeth is Missing

Whistle in the Dark: From the bestselling author of Elizabeth is Missing

Whistle in the Dark: From the bestselling author of Elizabeth is Missing

Making Better Places: The Planning Project in the Twenty-First Century (Planning, Environment, Cities)

The Time of My Life

Shipwreck!: Pairing (Reader's Digest Little Learners S.)

The Ophelia Girls