books by author

Meg on the Moon (Meg and Mog)

Adventure Island 14: The Mystery of the Phantom Lights

Adventure Island 11: The Mystery of the King's Ransom

The Gifts of Marriage: The Best Quotations (In Quotations)

For Mother, a Gift of Love

Mary Sheridan's From Birth to Five Years: Children's Developmental Progress

25 December Lane

Philosophic Inquiry in Nursing

Angelina and the Tummy Butterflies (Angelina Ballerina (8x8))

Reflecting on Faith Schools: A Contemporary Project and Practice in a Multi-Cultural Society (Spirituality in Education)


Gem Greek Dictionary (Collins Gems)

Baby Jesus Is Born: Candle Bible for Toddlers

The Dragon Machine

The Wandering Scholars of the Middle Ages

Gran and Grandpa (First Picture Books) (First Picture Books S.)

Why Is Snot Sticky?: Questions and Answers About Bizarre Bodies (Big Ideas!, 8)

My Jolly Red Santa Activity and Sticker Book (Holiday Activity and Sticker Books)

Cambridge Technicals Level 3 Sport and Physical Activity

Grow Your Own: Tomatoes

Scarlett's New Friend: No. 5 (Mermaid SOS)


Devon's Railways

Blood and Roses

A Short History of English Renaissance Drama (I.B. Tauris Short Histories)

Best of Nature Quotations

Seashore (Young Explorers)

Blood and Blood Transfusion: No. 8 (Critical Care Focus)

Essential Academic Vocabulary: Mastering the Complete Academic Word List