books by author
Christabel Crocodile's Egg-citing Present
Madame Hortense
Pain and Polemic: Anti-Judaism in the Gospels (A Stimulus Book)
A Companion to Bioethics (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy)
Helga's Diary: A Young Girl's Account of Life in a Concentration Camp
Son for Roxana
Unsanctifying Human Life: Essays on Ethics
The Cunning of Uncertainty
Re-Thinking Science: Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty
A Life-Course Perspective on Migration and Integration
Let Me Go
Measuring the Unmeasurable: 22 (Nato Science Series D:)
Pictorial Encyclopaedia of the Evolution of Man, The
The Natural Cat: Understanding Your Cat's Needs and Instincts
Helga: The True Story of a Young Woman's Flight as a Refugee and How She Re-united Her War-scattered Family
Tropical Fish: The Complete Pet Owner's Manual
Christian Mission - Jewish Mission (Studies in Judaism and Christianity)
Issues in the Jewish Christian Dialogue: Jewish Perspectives on Covenant, Mission and Witness
Managing Difficult Staff: Effective Procedures and the Law
The Quality Movement: What Total Quality Management is Really All About!
Cunning of Uncertainty
Bioethics: An Anthology (Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies)
Caring: Nurses, Women and Ethics