books by author

Islands in the Stream

The Viper's Heart

The First 49 Stories

How it Was

Running with the Bulls: My Years with the Hemingways

The Old Man and the Sea (New Windmill S.)

Farewell to Arms (New Windmills)

Selected Short Stories (Imprint Books)

The Fifth Column

The Snows of Kilimanjaro

Winner Take Nothing

The Torrents of Spring

A Moveable Feast

The Green Hills of Africa

Across the River and into the Trees

Fiesta: The Sun Also Rises

The Old Man and the Sea

For Whom the Bell Tolls

To Have and Have Not

A Farewell to Arms

Men without Women

Essential Hemingway

The Garden of Eden

Islands in the Stream (Flamingo modern classics)

The Old Man and the Sea

The Sun Also Rises

The Old Man and the Sea

The Green Hills of Africa (Scribner Classics)

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