books by author

Selected Letters

To War with Whitaker: Wartime Diaries of the Countess of Ranfurly, 1939-45

The Secret Self: A Century Of Short Stories By Women: Century Short Stories (Phoenix Giants S.)

The Years (World's Classics)

Yak and Nak Go on a Trek

Insight Guides: Perth City Guide: 35 (Insight City Guides)

AQA GCSE Design and Technology: Textiles Technology (Aqa Gcse Design & Technology)

Edith Wharton

Body Parts: Essays on Life-Writing

The Fossil Detectives: Discovering Prehistoric Britain

Revision Express Modern History (RJ) (GCE Geography Revision Guides)

The Ugly One: The Childhood Memoirs of Hermione, Countess of Ranfurly, 1913- 39: Childhood Memoirs, 1913-39


History of Regent Street

Penelope Fitzgerald: A Life

The Secret Self 2: Short Stories by Women

Oxford and Cambridge

To War with Whitaker: 13 (Pan Heritage Classics, 13)

Big and Busy Where Things Come from

Elizabeth Bowen

Treasure Hunt for Boys: Over 500 Hidden Pictures to Search For, Sort and Count

The Novels of Virginia Woolf: 612 (University Paperbacks)

Lost London : A Century of Demolition and Decay

Virginia Woolf

A Room of One's OwnAND Three Guineas

Edith Wharton

The Ugly One: The Childhood Memoirs of Hermione, Countess of Ranfurly, 1913- 39: Childhood Memoirs, 1913-39

To the Lighthouse

Good Fiction Guide