books by author
Water: 1 (It's Science)
Weather: 4 (Discover Nature)
One Proud Summer
What Does Islam Say About....: Islam and Major Issues for GCSE Coursework
You and Your Body: 2 (It's Science)
Seaside Holidays (Ways Into History)
The Greeks (Starting History)
White Backlash and the Politics of Multiculturalism
Mac Silk Cut Yachtman's Handbk
Your Food (The Green Team)
The Complete Yoga Book: "Yoga of Breathing", "Yoga of Posture", "Yoga of Meditation"
Amazing Science: Forces and Movement
Snowfl: 2 (You'd Never Believe It But)
In Tropical Africa, the Middle East, at Home (v. 1) (Problems of Success: History of the Church Missionary Society, 1910-42)
Problems of Success: A History of the Church Missionary Society 1910-1942. Volume Two, Asia, Overseas Partners
Transport (Project Geography)
The Things We Use (Look Around You S.)
Toby and Trish and the Amazing Book of Mark (Page-by-page Bible readings for 7-11s)
Racism (Life Files)
the haggis: a little history (Little Scottish bookshelf)
The Vikings (Starting History)
Twinned Schools (Taking Part)
World War Two (Starting History)
1950s: 4 (I Can Remember)
Grandeur Nature (20th Century Texts)
Light and Dark (Science Around Us)
Racism (How Can I Deal With?)
Bullying (How Can I Deal With?)