books by author

Le piège de Shere Kan

The Destruction of Lord Raglan (Wordsworth Military Library)

The Principles and Practice of Export Marketing (CIM Professional Development)

Celebration Food (Sparklers - Food We Eat)

Animals That Help Us: Animals In Dangerous Places

Nelson: A Personal History

Rapid Psychiatry

Introduction to electrochemistry (Macmillan Physical Science S.)

Dog (Looking After Your Pet)

Cat (Looking After Your Pet)

Napoleon: His Wives and Women

Dictionary of Chemistry (Dictionary Series)

Disraeli and His World (Pictorial Biography S.)

The Days of the French Revolution

Cruelty To Animals (In The News)

Green Lantern's Book of Inventions (DK Readers Level 4)

Do People Bully? (Why?)

The Encyclopaedia Of Oxford

Rise and Fall of the House of Medici

Military Memoirs: A Soldier Of The Seventy-First: The Journal of a Soldier in the Peninsular War

Great Battles: Corunna

London's Churches

The Far Right and Racism (In the News)

The History Detective Investigates: Stone Age to Iron Age

The Story of England: Makers of the Realm

The Great Mutiny: India 1857

Napoleon: His Wives and Women

Florence: The Biography of a City

Redcoats and Rebels: The War for America, 1770-1781