books by author

How: Victorian Britain Lib Ed Cas (Primary History)

The Armada Campaign, 1588 (Osprey: Elite Series, No. 15)

The Illustrated World Of: The Victorians

Tudor Times - Textbook (Lower Key Stage 2) (Heinemann our world)

Volcanic Panic (Zac Power)

York Notes. Thomas Hardy. Far From The Madding Crowd

Wartime Britain: 1939–45 (Shire Living Histories)

Art of the Extreme 1905-1914: The European Art World 1905-1914

History Mysteries Lost Cities (History Mysteries S.)

Ancient Egypt (People Who Made History In)

An Egyptian Tomb (Look Inside)

The Illustrated World Of: The Tudors

The Crusades: 19 (Elite)

Thomas Edison (Scientists Who Made History)

Greek Hoplite 480-323 BC: Weapons, Armour, Tactics: No. 27 (Warrior)

Collins Need to Know? – Weather Watching

American War of Independence (Wars That Changed the World S.)

Where's the Dragon?

Ancient Rome (People Who Made History In)

Around the World - A First Picture Atlas (What's going on?)

Life in The Past: Rich and Poor - In Ancient Egypt

Look Inside: A Victorian Mill

Defense of the Third Reich 1941–45: 107 (Fortress)