books by author

Captain Bligh and Mr.Christian: The Men and the Mutiny

The Battle of Britain: The Jubilee History (Coronet Books)

The Afterlife: An Investigation into the Mysteries of Life After Death

The Final Confession Of Mabel Stark

Captain James Cook

Predicting the Unpredictable: The Tumultuous Science of Earthquake Prediction


One in a Million

Former Naval Person: Churchill and the Wars at Sea

Winston and Clementine: The Triumph of the Churchills

Mountbatten: Hero of Our Time

A Practical Approach to Counselling

Captain Bligh and Mr.Christian: The Men and the Mutiny

OCR Applied Business Studies for GCSE (Double Award)

Viscous Flow Drag Reduction Paas72

Encyclopedia of the Unexplained

Winston and Clementine: The Triumphs and Tragedies of the Churchills

Physiotherapy in Respiratory Care: An evidence-based approach to respiratory and cardiac management: A Problem-Solving Approach

Mystery Religion of W.B. Yeats

Razor Eyes (New Windmills)

Christian Life Lived Experimentally: An Anthology

Longest Battle: The War at Sea, 1939-1945

OCR National Level 2 in Business Student Book

Style and Stylistics (Concepts of Literature S.)

Three Little Funny Ones (Young Puffin Books)

Black Beauty (Puffin Classics)

Black Beauty (Puffin Classics)

Edwina: Countess Mountbatten of Burma

Captain James Cook