books by author

The Toddler Years: Growth and Development from 1 to 4 Years

Higher education governance between democratic culture, academic aspirations and market forces: Council of Europe Higher Education Series. 5

Bible: A History - The Making and Impact of the Bible

The Bible: A History - The Making and Impact of the Bible

That Which You Are Seeking Is Causing You to Seek

There Is Nothing Wrong With You: Regardless of What You Were Taught to Believe

Being Present in the Darkness: Using Depression As a Tool for Self-Discovery


Discovering What the Future Holds (40-minute Bible Studies)

Global Change and Mountain Regions: An Overview of Current Knowledge: 23 (Advances in Global Change Research, 23)

African Biodiversity: Molecules, Organisms, Ecosystems

Flight of the Honey Bee

Successful ASIC Design the First Time Through

How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

Clinical Tests in Ophthalmology

The Beginner's Guide to Engineering: Mechanical Engineering: 1

Nassau's Historic Landmarks

New and Experimental Approaches to Writing Lives

Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis

Hard Green: Saving The Environment From The Environmentalists A Conservative Manifesto

Hammond Atlas of World Religions: A Visual History of Our Great Faiths

Simple German

Flight of the Honey Bee (Nature Storybooks)