books by author

AQA (Key Maths GCSE: AQA Modular Specification B Intermediate I)

The Travels of Marco Polo (Exploration Through the Ages S.)

Thinking on My Feet: The small joy of putting one foot in front of another


Naval Warfare: An Illustrated History

Japanese High Seas Fleet (History of 2nd World War S.)

World War I Battleships (Fighting Ships S.)

Key Maths GCSE: Foundation

Napoleon's Peninsular Marshals

India: 4 (Countries in Our World)

The Age of Leif Ericsson (Exploration Through the Ages S.)

Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Fowler))

Key Maths: Higher

AQA (Key Maths GCSE: AQA Modular Specification B Foundation)

The Voyages of Vasco Da Gama (Exploration Through the Ages S.)

Aircraft Carriers

Us Fleet Carriers of WW2

Humble by Nature

Illustrated History of the Civil War

Hitler's Generals

Key Maths GCSE: Higher

Famous Land Battles, from Agincourt to the Six-Day War

Culinary Pleasures: Cook Books and the Transformation of British Cuisine: Cookbooks and the Transformation of British Food

Beauty of England

See Through History: Ships and Submarines (Cased)

Key Maths GCSE: Intermediate 1

Key Maths GCSE: Foundation

Key Maths GCSE: Foundation

Key Maths GCSE: Intermediate 1