books by author
Ian Gilbert

The Learner s Toolkit Student Workbook 1: The Habits of Emotional Intelligence

Oops!: Helping Children Learn Accidentally

The Discipline Coach: If you're thinking discipline is keeping them in check, sorting them out, showing them what's good for them, because it's for their own good, because it's what the youth of to...

The Perfect (Ofsted) Inspection

Full on Learning: Involve Me and I'll Understand

The Little Book of Laughter: Using humour as a tool to engage and motivate all learners

The Lazy Teacher's Handbook: How your students learn more when you teach less

The Little Book of Values: Educating Children to become Thinking, Responsible and Caring Citizens

The Little Book of Bereavement for Schools

The Little Book of Charisma (Independent Thinking Series): Applying the Art and Science (The Little Books)

The Learner s Toolkit Student Workbook 2: Lessons in Learning to Learn, Values for Success in Life

The Lazy Teacher's Handbook: How your students learn more when you teach less (Independent Thinking Series) (The Independent Thinking Series)

Whole School Progress the LAZY Way: Follow me, I'm Right Behind You

The Little Book of Big Stuff about the Brain: The True Story of Your Amazing Brain (Independent Thinking Series) (The Independent Thinking Series) (The Little Books)

The Perfect (Ofsted) Lesson (Independent Thinking Series) (The Independent Thinking Series)

Inspirational Teachers Inspirational Learners: A book of hope for Creativity and the Curriculum in the Twenty First Century

The Little Book of Inspirational Teaching Activities (Independent Thinking Series): Bringing NLP into the Classroom (The Independent Thinking Series)

The Little Book of Music for the Classroom (Independent Thinking Series) Using Music to Improve Memory, Motivation, Learning and Creativity (The Little Books)

Leadership with a Moral Purpose: Turning Your School Inside Out (Independent Thinking Series) (The Independent Thinking Series)

Are You Dropping the Baton: From effective collaboration to all-through schools: How Schools can Work Together to get Transition Right (The Independent Thinking Series)

The Learner's Toolkit: Developing Emotional Intelligence, Instilling Values for Life, Creating Independent Learners and Supporting the SEAL Framework ... for Life, Creating Independent Learners