books by author

Four Major Plays: (Doll's House; Ghosts; Hedda Gabler; and The Master Builder) (Oxford World's Classics)


A Doll's House

A Doll's House

A Doll's House (Norwegian/English Bilingual Text)

Enemy of the People (World's Classics S.)

An Enemy of the People (Hereford Plays)

Hedda Gabler (Everyman Paperbacks)

Brand (Theatre Classics S.)

Four Major Plays: "Doll's House", "Ghosts", "Hedda Gabler" and "Master Builder" (World's Classics S.)

Public Enemy

A Doll's House
Four Major Plays - Volume II
Ghosts and Other Plays
Hedda Gabler and Other Plays

Hedda Gabler (Thrift Editions)

The Lady from the Sea

Ghosts (Plays For Performance) (Plays for Performance Series)

Peer Gynt (World's Classics S.)

A Doll's House

Hedda Gabler

Ibsen Plays One: Ghosts, The Wild Duck, The Master Builder

Hedda Gabler, The pillars of the community, The wild duck (Classics S.)

The Master Builder and Other Plays (Classics S.)

Ghosts and other plays A Public Enemy, When We Dead Wake (Penguin Classics)

A Doll's House and Other Plays [The League of Youth The Lady From the Sea]

Peer Gynt: A Dramatic Poem (Classics)

A Doll's House and Other Plays: With Pillars of the Community, Ghosts and an Enemy of the People (Penguin Classics)