books by author

Reach for the Moon (Shake, Shimmer & Sparkle Books)

Alien Invaders (Doodle Wars)

Let's Learn Counting with Stickers (Let's Learn Sticker Books)

Counting (Wirobound Magnetic Play and Learn)

555 Under the Sea (555 Sticker Fun)

555 Sticker Fun - Under the Sea Activity Book

Dinosaur Stomp! (Push and Play)

I Can Tie My Own Shoelaces

Squishy Squashy Unicorn (Squishy Squashy Books)

555 Dream Wedding (555 Sticker Fun)

Street Party Cookbook (Cookery Books)

Little Giraffe's Big Idea (Picture Storybooks)

Goodnight Lion (Magic Torch Books)

Unicorns LOVE Rainbow Pants! - Lift the Flap (Lift the Flap Storymaker)

Little Grey Donkey (Picture Storybooks)

Too Many Dinosaurs, Pirates & Monsters (Flip, Flap and Find)

Pinocchio (Picture Storybooks)

Magical Unicorns (Magnetic Play & Learn)

555 Shopping Trip (555 Sticker Fun)

555 Holiday (555 Sticker Fun)

There's a Bear in my book! (Squishy In My Book)

Vikings (Sticker History)

Roar! Went the Lion (Picture Storybooks)

Ten Little Unicorns (3D Counting Books)

Boo! (Hide-and-Go-Seek Magic Torch Books)

On the Farm (Magnetic Play Scenes)

Dot to Dot Animals (Wipe Clean Dot to Dot)

Princess Tales (StorytalesStorytale Treasuries)

What did Busy Bee see? (Tiny Town Touch and Trace)