books by author

The Mystery to a Solution: Poe, Borges, and the Analytic Detective Story

"Seinfeld" and Philosophy: A Book about Everything and Nothing: 1 (Popular Culture and Philosophy, 1)

The "Simpsons" and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer (Popular Culture and Philosophy): 2

The Matrix and Philosophy: Welcome to the Desert of the Real: 3 (Popular Culture and Philosophy (3))

Color Atlas of Basic Histology

The Nicomachean Ethics (Hackett Classics)

The Nicomachean Ethics (Hackett Classics)

World of Quality Timeless Passport

Integrated Pollution Control in Europe and North America

Governance and Politics of the Netherlands (Comparative Government and Politics)

Cape Verde Islands (The Bradt Travel Guide) (Bradt Travel Guides)

Cape Verde Islands (Bradt Travel Guide Cape Verde Islands) (Bradt Travel Guides)


Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Wordsworth Classics)

The Mayor of Casterbridge (Wordsworth Classics)

The Diary of a Nobody (Wordsworth Classics)

The Collected Poems of Thomas Hardy (Wordsworth Poetry Library)

Understanding Crystals: How to Tap Their Frozen Power (Paths to Inner Power S.)

Rich Man, Poor Man

Cape Verde Islands: The Bradt Travel Guide (Bradt Travel Guides)

Minnie the Minnow: 1

The Flâneur and Education Research: A Metaphor for Knowing, Being Ethical and New Data Production (Palgrave Studies in Movement across Education, the Arts and the Social Sciences)


Wessex Tales (Wordsworth Classics)

John E. Freund's Mathematical Statistics with Applications: International Edition

Elizabeth, Captive Princess (Elizabeth Trilogy 2)

To Rule the Night

Love on a Dark Street

Celebrating Resistance: The Way of the Cross in Latin America