books by author

Life at Ellis Island (Picture the Past)

Life on the Underground Railroad (Picture the Past)

Life in San Francisco's Chinatown (Picture the Past)

Life in San Francisco's Chinatown (Picture the Past)

Life in a New England Mill Town (Picture the Past)

Life in a New England Mill Town (Picture the Past)

St. Augustine (Picture the Past)

St. Augustine (Picture the Past)


Psychiatric Examination in Clinical Practice

The Macmillan Concise Encyclopedia: A World Of Knowledge For Busy People

The Macmillan Encyclopedia 1996

Law of Trade Marks (Practice text)

Longman Dictionary of Twentieth Century Biography

Developments in Psychoanalysis

Vaccination: The Facts, the Fears, the Future

Almost Paradise(om Ed)

I Bet You (Trend S.)

Bill and Melinda Gates (Front Page Lives)

The Macmillan Encyclopedia 1995

Rheumatology (Patient Pictures)

A Dictionary of Finance (Oxford Reference S.)

Benin: An African Kingdom - The Storybook

Any Place I Hang My Hat

Scratch and Draw Mermaids - Scratch Art Activity Book

Arthropod Management in Vineyards:: Pests, Approaches, and Future Directions

Circle & Square (Let's Learn!)

Big & Little (Let's Learn!)

The Macmillan Encyclopedia 1991