books by author

Lions and Shadows

Introducing Feminist Theology (Feminist Theology S.)

Oxford Literacy Web: Fiction: Year 6 Fiction: Eva

Marjorie's Ring (Riddlers S.)

Prater Violet

Flora the Frog

Oxford Reading Tree: Stage 16: TreeTops Classics: Silas Marner (Treetops S.)

A Surprise for Mrs Pinkerton-Trunks: More Stories from 'Get Up and Go'

The World of Goods: Towards an Anthropology of Consumption

A Single Man

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Fiction: Level 15 More Pack A: Go to the Dragon-Maker

Something New for a Bear to Do

Single Man (Modern Fiction)

Remembering Grandad

Cunard Portraits: 144 Scale Line Drawings


Controversies in Political Theology: Development or Liberation? (Controversies in Contextual Theology)

A Meeting by the River

Something For James

Christopher and His Kind

Introducing Feminist Theology

Introducing Body Theology: v. 2 (Introductions in Feminist Theology)

Introducing Feminist Christologies: No. 8 (Introductions in Feminist Theology)

World in the Evening

All the Conspirators

Lions & Shadows: An Education in the Twenties

Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali (How to Know God)

My Grandad

Mr Norris Changes Trains: 74938681 (Modern Fiction)