books by author

Penguin Critical Studies: Mansfield Park

Nests Above the Abyss

Making All Things Well: Finding spiritual strength with Julian of Norwich

Every Man Will Shout: Anthology of Modern Verse

The Sixth Day (Serpent's Tail Book)

Ascent to the Tribes

Green Leaf in Drought

Precious Things of the Lasting Hills

Stones of Fire

In the Arena

The Life of Jesus

Oxford World's Classics: The Picture of Dorian Gray

Any Room at the Top

The Grocer's Wives

How Peggy the Much Wenlock Piglet Took Part in the Olympian Games

Complete Shorter Fiction (World's Classics S.)

By Searching

Emma (York Notes Advanced)

International Marketing Strategy

Complete Shorter Fiction (Oxford World's Classics)

Pakistan (Local Colour Illustrated Guides Series)

La Redaccion Comercial (Coleccion Espanol Comercial)

The Supreme Court: A Guide For Bears

Transition - A Peer Mentoring System: Ease the Transition Process for Year 7 Pupils - A Guide to Organising a 'Buddy' Programme

The Very Lazy Ladybird

The Very Lazy Ladybird: Pop-up Edition (A Pop-up Story)

Who's That?

Who's That?

The Very Lazy Ladybird