books by author

Touch and Go

HIV Volume 1: Virology and Immunology: 156 (Practical Approach Series)
Grasslands and Prairies (Wild World of Animals S.)

These Were the Romans

Water, Chemistry and Ecology (Action chemistry)

How to Understand the Sacraments (How to S.)

Use of English (Bk. 3) (New proficiency English)

Rabbits (Picture Puffin Fact Books)

Zen And the Bible: A Priest's Experience (Arkana S.)

Mathematics and Mathematicians: v. 2 (Student Library)

Studying Strategies (No. 4)

Feeling Fine

Writing Successful Essays: 2

Analysing Business Cases: 1

Sacraments of Life, Life of the Sacraments: Story Theology

Sacraments of Life, Life of the Sacraments: Story Theology

Cassell's Concise German-English, English-German Dictionary

The Tongue Set Free: Remembrance of a European Childhood (Picador Books)

Bosch: The Man and His Paintings


Carbon Dioxide, Climate and Society: I.I.A.S.A. Workshop Proceedings, 1978

100 Great Lives

Scientific Research Effectiveness: The Organisational Dimension

Coleridge's Writings: Volume 4: On Religion and Psychology

Christmas Treasures

Mechanics Machines Advanced Theory and Examples 2e (Mechanics of Machines)

Drawing Faces (Usborne Art Ideas)

Dynamic Nuclear Resonance Spectroscopy

The Hungarian Revolution of 1956: Reform, Revolution, Repression 1953-1963