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Ethics During and After the Holocaust: In the Shadow of Birkenau

By Roth, J.

Structural Mineralogy: An Introduction: 7 (Solid Earth Sciences Library, 7)

By Lima-de-Faria, J.

Hydrological Forecasting: Design and Operation of Hydrological Forecasting Systems: 5 (Water Science and Technology Library, 5)

By Nemec, J.

Coastal Lowlands: Geology and Geotechnology (Mathematics and Its Applications)

By Van Der Linden, W.J.M., Cloetingh, S.A.P.L., Kaasschieter, J.P.H., Vandenberghe, J., Van De Graaff, W.J.E., van der Gun, J.A.M.

Experimental and Numerical Methods in Earthquake Engineering: 2 (Eurocourses: Reliability & Risk Analysis, 2)

By Donea, J., Jones, P.M.

Plato Opera Vol. II (Par., Phil., Symp., Phdr.; Alc. I, II, Hipp., Am.) 2/e (Oxford Classical Texts)

By Burnet, J.

Plato Opera Vol. III (Thg., Chrm., Laches, Lysis: Euthd., Prot., Gorg., Meno; Hp. Ma. et Min., Io, Mnx.): 003 (Oxford Classical Texts)

By Burnet, J.

Plato Opera Vol. V (Minos, Leges; Ep., Epp., Deff., Spuria): 005 (Oxford Classical Texts)

By Burnet, J.

Genocide and Human Rights: A Philosophical Guide

By Roth, J.

Moral Notions (Study in Philosophy Psychology)

By Kovesi, J.

Memories for Tomorrow

By Barrault, Jean-Louis, Griffin, J.

Israel Observed

By Malka, Victor, Joss, J.

Vibration and Structural Acoustics Analysis: Current Research and Related Technologies

By Vasques, C.M.A., Dias Rodrigues, J.

Plastics Additives and Modifiers Handbook

By Edenbaum, J.

Residual Stress in Rails: Effects of Rail Integrity and Railroad Economics: Field Experience and Test Results v. 1 (Engineering Application of ... Applications of Fracture Mechanics)

By Orringer, O., Orkisz, J., Swiderski, Zdzislaw

Contributions to Partial Differential Equations and Applications: 47 (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 47)

By Chetverushkin, B. N., Fitzgibbon, W., Kuznetsov, Y.A., Neittaanmäki, P., Periaux, J., Pironneau, O.

The Penguin Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Quotations (3rd Edn)

By Cohen, J., M.

Modern Antennas

By Drabowitch, S., Papiernik, A., Griffiths, Hugh, Encinas, J., Smith, B.L.

Polypropylene: An A-Z reference: 2 (Polymer Science and Technology Series, 2)

By Karger-Kocsis, J.

Analysis of Sterols

By Goad, J., Akihisa, T.

Melt Rheology and Its Role in Plastics Processing: Theory and Applications: v. 1572 (Fluid Mechanics and its Applications)

By Dealy, J., John M., Wissbrun, K.

Perspectives on Ecological Integrity: 5 (Environmental Science and Technology Library, 5)

By Westra, L., Lemons, J.

Ecological Sustainability and Integrity: Concepts and Approaches: 13 (Environmental Science and Technology Library, 13)

By Lemons, J., Westra, L., Goodland, Robert

North Sea Oil and Gas Reservoirs ― III: Proceedings of the 3rd North Sea Oil and Gas Reservoirs Conference organized and hosted by the Norwegian ... Norway, November 30–December 2, 1992

By Aasen, J.O., Berg, E., Buller, A.T., Hjelmeland, O., Holt, R.M., Kleppe, J., Torsæter

Structural Adhesive Joints in Engineering

By Adams, R.D., Comyn, J., Wake, W.C.

Investigations in Animal Physiology

By Simpkins, J.

Climate Change and Island and Coastal Vulnerability

By Sundaresan, J., Sreekesh, S., Ramanathan, Al, Sonnenschein, Leonard, Boojh, Ram

Polypropylene Structure, blends and Composites: Volume 3 Composites

By Karger-Kocsis, J.

Urban Land Economics: The Economics of Real Property

By Harvey, J.

Polypropylene Structure, blends and composites: Volume 1 Structure and Morphology

By Karger-Kocsis, J.