books by author
J. B.

Quaternions and Rotation Sequences: A Primer with Applications to Orbits, Aerospace and Virtual Reality

Man And Time

Ben Jonson (Hutchinson university library. English literature)

Your God is Here and Now

English Journey

English Journey: Being a Rambling but Truthful Account of what One Man Saw And Heard And Felt And Thought During a Journey Through England During the Autumn of the Year 1933

An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals (HPC Philosophical Classics Series)

Journey Down a Rainbow

Particular Pleasures

Bright Day

Complexity Avalanche: Overcoming the Threat to Technology Adoption (Development Economics)

The New Testament

An Inspector Calls (New Longman Literature)

Junit Recipes: Practical Methods for Programmer Testing

Ring of Truth

When We are Married

It's an Old Country

Literature and Western Man

Lost Empires

Quick Text (An Inspector Calls the Graphic Novel)

A Hierarchical Concept of Ecosystems. (Monographs in Population Biology, No. 23)

River Channels (Aspects of Geography)

My Contact with U.F.O.'s

An Inspector Calls The Graphic Novel: The Graphic Novel. J.B. Priestley

Lost Empires

Farthing Hall (Pocket Classics S.)

The Biochemic Handbook: How to Get Well and Keep Fit With Biochemic Tissue Salts

London End

When We Are Married (Acting Edition S.)