books by author
J. J.

Physics for All

Forces and Energy (Key Stage 3) (Simon & Schuster modular science - Key Stage 3)

Communications Electronics Circuits

Educational Theory as Theory of Conduct: From Aristotle to Dewey

Confessions of Madame Psyche: Memoirs and Letters of Mei-Li Murrow

Introducing Information Technology

Quality Issues in Clinical Genetic Services

Roger Hiorns: Seizure

Physics for All

A Guide to Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease

Julie Ou La Nouvelle Heloise: PRESENTATION PAR MICHEL LAUNAY (Littérature et civilisation)

Palaeozoic Reefs and Bioaccumulations (Geological Society Special Publications)

Origin & Evolution of the Ontong Java Plateau: No. 229

Isaac Physics Skills: Developing Mastery of Essential Pre-University Physics

Managing Quality

Henry Viii (Pelican S.)

Energy: Selected Topics: 7 (Extending Science)

Sounds: Selected Topics (Extending Science)
Simon and Schuster Modular Science: Forces and Energy, 2 Key Stage 3 (Modular science: Key Stage 3)

Modular Science: Forces and Energy Key Stage 3 (Simon & Schuster modular science - Key Stage 3)

Unemployment in the United Kingdom: Politics and Policies

Art in the Hellenistic Age

Matrix Computation

Water Waves: The Mathematical Theory with Applications (Pure & Applied Mathematics S.)

Henry VIII (The English Monarchs Series)
Crop Science and Production (Macmillan intermediate agriculture series)

Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Beginning Science: Physics