books by author
Jack C.

Garfield Stories (Golden Treasury)

Error Analysis: Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition (Applied Linguistics and Language Study)

Interchange Intro Student's book: English for International Communication

Perry's Planet

Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics

Sequence Stratigraphy, Paleoclimate, And Tectonics of Coal-Bearing Strata (AAPG Studies in Geology)

Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics

Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics

Dictionary of Real Estate Terms (Barron's Business Dictionaries)

Petroleum Provinces of the Twenty-first Century (Aapg Memoir)

Interchange Level 1 Student's Book with Self-study DVD-ROM (Interchange Fourth Edition)

A History of Film

The Language Teaching Matrix: Curriculum, Methodology, and Materials (Cambridge Language Teaching Library)

Cost and Managerial Accounting

Passages Level 2 Teacher's Edition with Audio CD: An upper-level multi-skills course (Passages (Paperback))

Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: A Description and Analysis (Cambridge Language Teaching Library)

Passages Teacher's Manual 1: An Upper-Level Multi-Skills Course

Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, Second Edition (Cambridge Language Teaching Library)

Step by Step Book About Housebreaking Your Puppy

New Interchange Level 3 Student's book 3: English for International Communication (New Interchange English for in)

New Interchange Workbook 3: English for International Communication (New Interchange English for in)

Professional Development for Language Teachers: Strategies For Teacher Learning (Cambridge Language Education)

Passages Student's book 2: An Upper-level Multi-skills Course

Interchange 2 Teacher's manual: English for International Communication: Tchrs' Level 2

Interchange 2 Student's book: English for International Communication: Level 2