books by author
Jack Kerouac

Big Sur

Desolation Angels

The Subterraneans

And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks

The Town and the City

Doctor Sax

The Sea is My Brother: The Lost Novel

And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks

Selected Letters: 1957-69


Mexico City Blues

Maggie Cassidy

Vanity of Duluoz: The Adventurous Education of a Young Man

Big Sur

Dharma Bums
The Subterraneans

Maggie Cassidy (Penguin Modern Classics)

Pomes All Sizes (Pocket Poets) (City Lights Pocket Poets Series)
Scattered Poems

The Scripture of the Golden Eternity (Pocket Poets) (City Lights Pocket Poets Series)
On the Road

Docteur Sax (Folio)

On the Road: The Original Scroll (Penguin Modern Classics)

On the Road