books by author
jackie collins

L.A.Connections: Pt.4: Revenge
Married Lovers
Lovers & Players

Hollywood Kids

Lethal Seduction

Lethal Seduction

The Stud

L.A.Connections: Pt. 3: Murder
the love killers

Drop Dead Beautiful

Confessions of a Wild Child

Rock Star/Sinners Duo

The Santangelos

Vendetta: Lucky's Revenge

Deadly Embrace

The Bitch

The World is Full of Divorced Women

Lovers and Players

Confessions of a Wild Child (Lucky Santangelo Prequel)

Married Lovers Pa

The Power Trip

The Power Trip

The Stud / The Bitch / The Love Killers
Lady Boss

The Santangelos (Lucky Santangelo 9)