books by author

The Metabolic Effect Diet: Eat More, Work Out Less, and Actually Lose Weight While You Rest

Bedtime Stories: Beautiful Black Tales from the Past - with a foreword by Candice Brathwaite: 1

Live Your Dreams: An Adult Coloring Book with Fun Inspirational Quotes, Adorable Kawaii Doodles, and Positive Affirmations for Relaxation

Fantasy Coloring Adventure: A Magical World of Fantasy Creatures, Enchanted Animals, and Whimsical Scenes

Dear Little Ones

Engage Literacy: Little Donkey and the Black Horse

Engage Literacy: Floating Icebergs

Engage Literacy Yellow: Skipping

Blood Bond (EDGE: Fast Lane)

Inspirational Quotes: An Adult Coloring Book with Motivational Sayings and Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Relaxation

Body and Soul

Forever in My Heart: The Story of My Battle Against Cancer

Jade: My Autobiography

Jade Goody: How It All Began - My First Book: Fighting to the End

Macmillan Children's Readers 2018 6 Planets International

Macmillan Childrens Readers Planets International Level 6

Purple Paw Prints

What's that Noise? (Macmillan Children's Readers (International))

To Catch a Pirate

BTEC First Health and Social Care Student Book