books by author

Architecture Today

Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

The New Glenans Sailing Manual

The Retreat from Burma (Battle Standards)

Hands-on Science

The Solidarity Society: Why We Can Afford to End Poverty, and How to Do it with Public Support (Fabian special)

Vet in Harness

Hadrian's Wall

James Herriot's Yorkshire

The Lord God Made Them All

James Herriot's Yorkshire (Mermaid Books)

The Best of James Herriot: Favourite Memories of a Country Vet

The Shell Guide to the Birds of Britain And Ireland

The Shell Guide to the Birds of Britain And Ireland

Bonny's Big Day

James Herriot's Cat Stories

James Herriot's Favourite Dog Stories

Political Posters in Central and Eastern Europe 1945–95


Robert Byron

Advanced Chemistry: An Enquiry-based Approach

A Mingled Measure: Diaries 1953-1972

Deep Romantic Chasm: Diaries, 1979-1981

My Friend Leonard

We Are What We Think: A Journey Through the Wisest and Wittiest Sayings in the World

Ancient as the Hills: Diaries, 1973-1974

Through Wood and Dale: Diaries 1975-1978

People and Places

Deep Romantic Chasm: Diaries 1979-1981