books by author

London Bridges (Export, Airside & Ireland only)

Cassell's Dictionary of English Grammar (Language reference)

Cambodian Witness: Autobiography

Body Science

A Million Little Pieces (Oprah's Book Club)

Dermatology Postgraduate MCQs and Revision Notes (MasterPass)

Cold Cut

Dick Contino's Blues And Other Stories

Wish You Were Dead: Quick Reads 2021

Walking The Shadows

Escape from War (My Side of the Story S.)

The Twelve Labours of Heracles (Ancient Greek Myths) (Ancient Greek Myths S.)

The Twelve Labours of Hercules

Jason and the Golden Fleece

Time For A Change

Hot Fudge (Harold & Chester S.)

Sports Skills Soccer

Guide to a Dockland of Change: A Present Day, Historical, Anecdotal and (1949-69) Photographic Guide to the Riverside Docks and Wharves Between the Tower of London and Limehouse

The Boer War (Puffin Books)

Maximum Ride: Schools Out Forever

Iguana Boy vs. The 30 Second Thief: Book 2

Bubble and Squeak

The Poetical Works of James Thomson (Oxford Standard Authors)

The Lighthouse (OM)

The Rainbow Fish

Confessions of a Murder Suspect: (Confessions 1) by Patterson, James (September 12, 2013) Paperback

Metaphysical Poets (York Handbooks S.)

S.T.Coleridge Selected Poems (The Poetry Bookshelf)

Puritan And Cavalier: English Civil War (Puffin Books)