books by author

Blended Learning and Online Tutoring: Planning Learner Support and Activity Design

Health on Your Plate

Lindisfarne Gospels

Maths Pyramid (Year 5) (Rigyby Numeracy Solutions: Maths Pyramid)

The Deaconess

Dinner at Auntie Rose's

Writing otherwise: Experiments in cultural criticism

My Grandmother's Patchwork Quilt

Haffertee's New House

Complete Book of Massage

Leerwerkboek (Can do)

Leerwerkboek Engels A2 B1 B2

Television and the Household (BFI Working Papers)

Edexcel International GCSE English as a Second Language Student Book with ActiveBook CD

Burglar Bill

Hollywood in the Information Age: Beyond the Silver Screen

Beginning to Read (Bright Ideas for Early Years)

Getting Started (Bright Ideas for Early Years)

The Secret Life of Aphra Behn

The Secret Life of Aphra Behn

The Waterbirth Book: From the World-Renowned Natural Childbirth Pioneer

Vegetarian Cookery

BTEC Nationals Health and Social Care: Student Book 3

Run to Gold

Descriptions (Modes of Writing)

Conducting the Programmer Job Interview: The IT Manager Guide with Java, J2EE, C, C++, UNIX, PHP and Oracle Interview Questions! (It Job Interview Series)

The Faith We See: Working with Images of Christ

Darcy's Story

The Calamitous Cook (Race Further with Reading)