books by author

Exploring Numbers (Learning Activities for Early Years)

Good Friends: Don't Do That!

C.L.R. 200 exercices conjugaison CM - Corrigés

CLR 650 Excercices de grammaire CM -corrigés

CLR 450 dictées CE - livre élève (éd.2010): Trois types de dictées pour l'aide personnalisée et l'approfondissement

Why be Unfriendly? (Problem solvers)

Surprised by Grief: A Journey Into Hope

Moody (Good & Bad S.)

Dreamweaver CS4 for Dummies (For Dummies Series)

OCR GCSE Sociology: Student Book

Liar (Good & Bad S.)

Selfish (Good & Bad S.)

Against the Stranger: Lives in Occupied Territory: Journeys Through Occupied Territory

First Reading Fun: Cosmic Cafe

Why be Bossy? (Problem Solvers)

I'm Sorry! (Good Manners S.)

Being Helpful (Growing Up S.)

Divorce (Separations S.)

L'Île d'Abel

Six-Minute Social Skills Workbook 3: Friendship Skills for Kids with Autism & Asperger's

I'm Sorry! (Good manners)

Reliable (Viewpoints)

Making Friends (Growing Up S.)

Taking Turns (Growing Up S.)

After You! (Good Manners S.)


Libre Echange: Level 2: Livre De L'Eleve 2

Thank You! (Good manners)

Fair: Two Stories Seen from Two Points of View (Viewpoints)