books by author

Am I Still a Christian?: Twenty Questions About Your Spiritual Direction

Show and Tell Flat Stanley! (Reading Ladder Level 2)

Double Dexter: DEXTER NEW BLOOD, the major new TV thriller on Sky Atlantic (Book Six): 6

Dexter is Delicious: DEXTER NEW BLOOD, the major new TV thriller on Sky Atlantic (Book Five)

The Rough Guide to Washington DC


Penguin TV Companion: Fourth Edition

Acceptance: The Southern Reach Trilogy 3: Book 3

The Joy of True Meditation: Words of Encouragement for Tired Minds and Wild Hearts
Dog Days (Diary of a Wimpy Kid)

Flat Stanley

The Top Secret Files (Disney Villains)

Dog Days (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, 4)

The iPad for Photographers: Master the Newest Tool in Your Camera Bag

Cup Final Kid (Sprinters)

Think Through Geography: Pupil's book Bk.3

Introducing Derrida