books by author

Great Opera Stories

Mysterious Cults


I'm Telling You, They're Aliens!

A History of the British Isles (Palgrave Essential Histories Series)

Let's Do The Pharaoh!

The Economist: Business Strategy 3rd edition: A guide to effective decision-making

Sacred Festivals

Viking at School

Diddly Squat: ‘Til the Cows Come Home: The No 1 Sunday Times bestseller

Kalinzu: A Story from Africa

My Revision Notes: WJEC GCSE Physics

Chicken School

Murder in the Family: Inside Story of the Jersey Murders

Brilliant Selling: What the best salespeople know, do and say

Closet: 4 (Dirty Furniture)

Joseph Conrad: Language and Fictional Self-consciousness

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Chucklers: Level 18: Hysterical Historicals

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Chucklers: Level 16: The Trials of Ruby P. Baxter

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Chucklers: Level 17: The Ugh Factor

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Chucklers: Oxford Level 17: Simon Barbecue

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Chucklers: Level 17: The Adventures of Captain Fearbeard

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Chucklers: Level 20: The Lobster's Birthday and Other Stories

Roman Britain (100 Things You Should Know About... S.)

The Book of Israel

Ashworth's Principles of Criminal Law

World History

AQA A-level Physics Workbook 1

Animal Navigators (How animals behave)