books by author

Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation

Sing!: New Words for Worship

Contesting the Foreshore: Tourism, Society and Politics on the Coast (MARE Publication Series)

Lightning Lucy Storms Ahead (Crackers)

Exploding Myths That Jews Believe

Book Week goes with a Bang Part 2 Story Street Competent Step 9 Book 4 (LITERACY LAND)

Monster on the Street Part 1, A Story Street Compentent Step 7 Book 1 (LITERACY LAND)

Gypsies (Abacus Books)

The Vet

Tort Law and Scope of Protection: Cases, Materials and Text (Casebooks for the Common Law of Europe)

The World in the Twentieth Century

Criticism and Critical Theory (Stratford Studies)


Winston Churchill's Afternoon Nap: Wide Awake Inquiry into the Human Nature of Time (Paladin Books)

V.S. Pritchett: A Working Life

Letters and Society in Fifteenth-century Spain: Studies Presented to P.E.Russell on His 80th Birthday

Discovering Statistics Using R

Three Men in a Boat




face2face Elementary Teacher's Book with DVD

Youth in Society: Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice (Published in association with The Open University)

Management Consulting: Delivering an Effective Project

The Piano

Guide to the Galleria Nationale D'arte Moderna

Eurotunnel: The Illustrated Journey

MyPod: How to get the most from your iPod and iPod mini

Story Street: Foundation Step: A walk with Sam, Large Format Book (LITERACY LAND)