books by author


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Encyclopedia of Planetary Sciences (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series)

By Shirley, J.H., Fairbridge, Rhodes W.

North America: A Geography of Canada and the United States

By Paterson, J.H.

As You Like It (The Players' Shakespeare)

By Walter, J.H.

Land, Work and Resources

By Paterson, J.H.

Astral Doorways: Techniques for Experiencing the Boundless Possibilities of the Astral Plane

By Brennan, J.H.

Longman Dictionary of Business English

By Adam, J.H.

Telling the Time (Ladybird learning to read books)

By Gagg, M.E., Wingfield, J.H.

Beacon Readers: The Pancake Bk. 3

By Fassett, J.H.

Biochemistry (Concise Medicine Textbooks)

By Datta, S.P., Ottaway, J.H.

North America: A Geography of Canada and the United States

By Paterson, J.H.

Sociology of Protestantism

By MEHL, Roger, Farley, J.H.

The Pancake; Old Mother Hubbard (Stage 3) (Beacon readers)

By Fassett, J.H., Shepard, E. H.

Canterbury Chapters: A Kentish Heritage for Tomorrow

By Berry, M.H.A., Higginson, J.H.

Guide to Invertebrate Animals (Classification guides)

By Webb, Joseph Ernest, Wallwork, J. A., Elgood, J.H.

Quality Assurance in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry: 3 (Petroleum Engineering and Development Studies)

By Rogerson, J.H.

Challenge In The Dark ; Wheel Of Danger ; The Falcon Malteser ; Barmy Jeffers

By Leeson, Robert ; Horowitz, Anthony ; Brennan, J.H.

Legal Problems of International Economic Relations

By Jackson, J.H., Davey, W.J.

The Social Setting of Pauline Christianity

By Theissen, Gerd, Schutz, John H., J.H.

Introduction to Switching System Design

By Marcovitz, Alan B., Pugsley, J.H.

An Introduction to English Legal History

By Baker, J.H.

The Scottish Music Hall, 1880-1990

By Littlejohn, J.H.

The bedside book of colonial doings

By Heaton, J.H.

Interpreted by Love: Expositions of 40 Great Old Testament Passages

By Eaton, J.H.

Psalms (Torch Bible Paperbacks)

By Eaton, J.H.

Law and Practice of Receivership in Scotland

By Greene, J.H., Fletcher, I.M.

Biochemistry (Concise Medicine Textbooks)

By Datta, S.P., Ottaway, J.H.

Wessex from 1000 AD (Regional History of England)

By Bettey, J.H.

Moliere: "L'Ecole des Femmes" and "Le Misanthrope": 18 (Critical Guides to French Texts S.)

By Broome, J.H.

Introduction to English Legal History

By Baker, J.H.

Mathematics of Physics

By Avery, J.H., Nelkon, Michael