books by author

Sunshine Books + – Footprints on the Moon: Level 10/Blue/Band 4

Hooray for Knickers

Little Blue Truck Farm Sticker Fun!

The Aardvark Who Wasn't Sure (Read Aloud Books)

Mental Health Matters: A Reader

Good Cooking: The New Essentials: The New Basics

Jack and the Robbers

Bored Claude

The Managing Care Reader

Managing Care in Practice

The Four Seasons of Brambly Hedge

The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark

The Sports Day: 9 (Read with Me)

Magic Music: 10 (Read with Me)

Corporate Governance and Accountability

DK Explorers Birds (Eyewitness Explorers)

Speaking, Listening and Understanding: Games for Young Children (The Good Communication Pathway)

Sunshine Books + – Mrs Grimble’s Grapevine: Level 15/Orange/Band 6

Bug Club Independent Non Fiction Year 1 Yellow B Rainbows

Flash and the Butterfly: Independent Reading Purple 8 (Reading Champion)

Peace at Last

Ignite English: Teacher Companion 1

The Dream: 6 (Read with Me)

The Fierce Giant: 12 (Read with Me)

The Cat Who Wanted to Go Home

A Bad Spell For the Worst Witch

Somali and English Words for School Use

The Aardvark Who Wasn't Sure: no 1 (Read Aloud Books)

Once Upon an Animal