books by author

AQA Science GCSE Additional Science
1 available
Atom (Icon Science)

Rugby’s Funniest Jokes


The Guardian Guide to the Internet

The Middle-Aged Mountaineer: A bicycle tour down the length of Britain

Academ's Fury: The Codex Alera: Book Two

Princeps' Fury: The Codex Alera: Book Five

Garfield Classics

Garfield Classics: v.7: Vol 7 (Garfield Classic Collection S.)

Garfield Treasury: No. 6 (Garfield Treasuries S.)

Quantum: A Guide For The Perplexed

The MOJO Collection: The Albums That Define Popular Music

500 Things You Should Know About Animals

The Dunkirk Escape (Solos)

In at the Deep End: A Survival Guide for Teachers in Post-Compulsory Education

Starting Your Own Business: The Bestselling Guide to Planning and Building a Successful Enterprise

Energy 2050: Making the Transition to a Secure Low-Carbon Energy System

Etched by Silence: A pilgrimage through the poetry of RS Thomas

How the Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In

Achieving Your PTLLS Award: A Practical Guide to Successful Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector

Bear's First Christmas

Stop Me If You've Heard This: A History and Philosophy of Jokes

James Bond - the Spy Who Loved Me: Casino Royale

Excel 2002: An Advanced Course For Students (Software Course Books)

Designing, Delivering and Evaluating L&D: Essentials for Practice (Cipd)

Coming to God in the Stillness: Discovering the Power of Comtemplative Prayer
Jenny's Story (Badger Reading for KS2 S.)

Wordgloss: A Cultural Lexicon