books by author

Governing the Climate: New Approaches to Rationality, Power and Politics

Flow and Combustion in Advanced Gas Turbine Combustors: 102 (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, 102)

Justice, Education and the Politics of Childhood: Challenges and Perspectives: 1 (Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations, 1)

Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010

Knowledge and Networks: 11 (Knowledge and Space, 11)

Vademecum Metabolicum: Manual of Metabolic Paediatrics

Spatial Mobility, Migration, and Living Arrangements

Work Stress and Health in a Globalized Economy: The Model of Effort-Reward Imbalance (Aligning Perspectives on Health, Safety and Well-Being)

Policing Schools: School Violence and the Juridification of Youth: 2 (Young People and Learning Processes in School and Everyday Life, 2)

Human Fallibility: The Ambiguity of Errors for Work and Learning: 6 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 6)

Rethinking Explanation: 252 (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, 252)

Database Management Systems (COLLEGE IE OVERRUNS)

Computer Games and New Media Cultures: A Handbook of Digital Games Studies

Parameter Identification and Inverse Problems in Hydrology, Geology and Ecology: 23 (Water Science and Technology Library, 23)

Rudolf Steiner: A Documentary Biography

The Art of Color: The Subjective Experience and Objective Rationale of Color

South Africa Insight Guide (Insight Guides)

Jesus' Proclamation of the Kingdom of God (Lives of Jesus S.)

Language and Colonial Power: The Appropriation of Swahili in the Former Belgian Congo, 1880–1938 (African Studies, Series Number 48)

History Of The German People At The Close Of The Middle Ages (Volume Xvi) General Moral And Religious Corruption-Imperial Legislation Against ... To The Last Third Of The Sixteenth Century

The United Nations: An Introduction

Hastening the Coming of the Messiah

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology 4/e (Flexicover) (Oxford Medical Handbooks)

Gustav Klimt: Landscapes

McMinn's Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy with DVD, 6e

Elements of Color

The Elements of Color


Alchemy: The Mediaeval Alchemists and Their Royal Art