books by author
John Berry

The Sailor

World War II

Climate Cult: A Biblical & scientific response to climate change

Foundation Mathematics for Engineers

Schaum's A-Z Mathematics

The Ladybird Book of London

Exploring Pure Mathematics

A Level Maths Core 1 (Collins Student Support Materials)

Hannibal on the Nature Trail (Ladybird Books)

Military Uniforms 1686-1918

The Airman in the Royal Air Force

Discovering Advanced Mathematics – Decision Maths

The Shipbuilders (Ladybird Easy Reading Books)

The Public Services: Water Supply (A Ladybird 'Easy-Reading'

Public Services: Gas (Easy Reading Books)

The Public Services: Electricity (Ladybird Books)

People at Work: The Car Makers (Easy Reading Books)

MEI Mechanics 3 2ED: Bk. 3 (MEI Structured Mathematics (A+AS Level))

MEI Differential Equations: Bk. 4 (MEI Structured Mathematics (A+AS Level))

MEI Mechanics 3: Bk. 3 (MEI Structured Mathematics (A+AS Level))