books by author
John M.

Clinical Skills in Medicine

Proteins: 1 (Methods in Molecular Biology, 1)

New Protein Techniques: 3 (Methods in Molecular Biology, 3)

Biblical Interpretation: A Historical Reader (Biblical Seminar)

Rising Time Schemes in Babylonian Astronomy (SpringerBriefs in History of Science and Technology)

Melt Rheology and Its Role in Plastics Processing: Theory and Applications: v. 1572 (Fluid Mechanics and its Applications)

The Grammar of Case: Towards a Localistic Theory (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, Series Number 4)

Petroleum Geochemistry and Geology

Dental Materials: Properties and Manipulation

Moving on with Reading: Bk. 1

Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology

Investments: Analysis, Selection and Management

Fundamentals of Semigroup Theory: 12 (London Mathematical Society Monographs)

Sixty Years of British Music Hall

The Victorian Vision: Inventing New Britain

Cardiology Fourth Edition

The Railway Station: A Social History (Oxford Paperbacks)

Touching the Rock: An Experience of Blindness

Digital Logic: Applications and Designs

Phonics and the Teaching of Reading

After Apollo?: Richard Nixon and the American Space Program (Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology)

In Search of Meadowlarks: Birds, Farms, and Food in Harmony with the Land

The Big Book of the Human Body

On Sight and Insight: A Journey into the World of Blindness

The Chemical Bond

Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo (Hackett Classics)

The Penguin Dictionary of Modern Quotations

Practical Management of Head Injuries

Aids to Reading