books by author
John Mortimer
the judge

Rumpole And the Angel of Death: Rumpole And the Model Prisoner; Rumpole And the Way Through the Woods; Hilda's Story; Rumpole And the Little Boy Lost; ... Rights of Man; Rumpole And the Angel of De...


Summer's Lease

Rumpole On Trial

Rumpole of the Bailey
Like Men Betrayed
Paradise Postponed
The sounds Of Trumpets

Regina V. Rumpole

Rumpole's Last Case
Simultaneous Engineering
lunch hour and other plays
two starts for comfort

Titmuss Regained
come as you are
The Best of Rumpole
Paradise Postponed

Rumpole And the Age of Miracles: Rumpole And the Bubble Reputation; Rumpole And the Barrow Boy; Rumpole And the Age of Miracles; Rumpole And the Tap ... And Portia; Rumpole And the Quality of Life

Forever Rumpole: The Best of the Rumpole Stories

The Sound of Trumpets

Murderers and Other Friends: Another Part of Life

Rumpole On Trial

Titmuss Regained

Rumpole a La Carte

Rumpole a La Carte

Successful Lawns