books by author
John P.

New Bible Atlas

Accelerate: Building Strategic Agility for a Faster-Moving World

The Heart of Change Field Guide: Tools And Tactics for Leading Change in Your Organization

Understanding World Societies, Volume 2: A Brief History

Understanding World Societies, Volume 1: A Brief History

The Psychology of Thinking: Reasoning, Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

A Sense of Urgency

These Forty Days

New Bible Atlas

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice: Concepts and Approaches

Leading Change

Motor Control, Theory and Practical Applications

Productivity in the Local Government Sector (Lexington Books)

A History of Western Society: Student Text - Chapters 12-21 v. B

Brain of Britain

Exercise Physiology in Special Populations: Advances in Sport and Exercise Science, 1e

A Geography of the Third World

The Geography of the Third World