books by author

Edexcel GCSE Maths: Modular Foundation Multiple Choice


On the Pavement (v. 1) (Children in Traffic)

Lucy's Legacy: Sex and Intelligence in Human Evolution

Missed Beginnings: Death Before Life Has Been Established (L.Sainsbury Foundation S.)

Edexcel GCSE Maths: Modular Higher Multiple Choice

GCSE Mathematics Edexcel 2010: Spec B Assessment Pack (GCSE Maths Edexcel 2010)

Standard Conditions of Government Contracts
Foundation Student (Edexcel GCSE Maths 2006)

Edexcel GCSE Mathematics: Higher Student, Book 1

Oliver Cromwell

Warwick the Kingmaker

Principles of Inorganic Chemistry

GCSE Mathematics Edexcel 2010: Spec B Access Practice Book (GCSE Maths Edexcel 2010)

Gramophone Classical Good Cd Guide 2002

The Classical Good Cd, Dvd, & Download Guide 2007 (The Gramophone Classical Good CD, DVD and Download Guide)

Essentials of Revit Families 2016

A Handbook of Intellectual Property Management: Protecting, Developing and Exploiting Your IP Assets


GCSE Mathematics Edexcel 2010: Spec A Access Practice Book (GCSE Maths Edexcel 2010)

GCSE Mathematics Edexcel 2010: Spec B Foundation Practice Book (GCSE Maths Edexcel 2010)

Diseases of Children

Monster Footsteps

GCSE Mathematics Edexcel 2010: Spec B Higher Unit 3 Student Book (GCSE Maths Edexcel 2010)

GCSE Mathematics Edexcel 2010: Spec B Higher Unit 2 Student Book (GCSE Maths Edexcel 2010)

GCSE Mathematics Edexcel 2010: Spec B Foundation Unit 3 Student Book (GCSE Maths Edexcel 2010)

GCSE Mathematics Edexcel 2010: Spec B Foundation Unit 2 Student Book (GCSE Maths Edexcel 2010)

GCSE Mathematics Edexcel 2010: Spec A Practice Book Targeting A and A* (GCSE Maths Edexcel 2010)

Edexcel GCSE Mathematics B Foundation, Student Book, Unit 1