books by author
Judith A.

The Contact Lens Manual: A Practical Fitting Guide with CD-ROM (The Manual Series)

Algebra Teacher′s Activities Kit: 150 Ready–to–Use Activities with Real–World Applications (J–B Ed: Activities)

Christian Ethics: Shaping Values, Vision, Decisions

Creating the Therapeutic Relationship in Counselling and Psychotherapy: 1384 (Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice Series)

A Handbook of Interactive Exercises for Groups

The Clinical Nurse Specialist in Theory and Practice

Painted Churches of Cyprus: Treasures of Byzantine Art

Cancer Pain: From Molecules to Suffering

Atlas of Skeletal Muscles (McGraw-Hill International Editions Series)

Textbook Renal Disease

Atlas of the Skeletal Muscles

Ethics of Star Trek

Casebook: Applications of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator in Counselling

Spiritual Dimensions of Mental Health (Spiritual Perspectives in Nursing Series)

Spiritual Dimensions of Mental Health (Spiritual Perspectives in Nursing Series)

Complete Book of Cats

Introduction to Pharmaceutical Calculations

Introduction to Pharmaceutical Calculations

Committed by Choice: Religious Life Today

Hands-On Math Projects With Real-Life Applications: Grades 6-12 (J-B Ed: Hands On)