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Health Policy and the NHS: Towards 2000 (Longman Social Policy In Britain Series)

By Allsop, Judith

Lecturer Practitioners in Action

By Lathlean BSc(Econ) MA DPhil(Oxon), Judith

Health Policy and the National Health Service (Longman Social Policy in Britain Series)

By Allsop, Judith


By Draper, Judith

The Abyss of Freedom/Ages of the World (The Body in Theory: Histories of Cultural Materialism)

By Žižek, Slavoj, von Schelling, F.W.J., Norman, Judith

Behind The Scenes: Theatre

By Anderson, Judith

The Song Thrush

By Case, Susan, Wardle, Judith

Chimp Chums

By Beaven, Tita, Wardle, Judith

The Fish Dish

By Case, Susan, Wardle, Judith

Is it Magic?

By Beaven, Tita, Wardle, Judith

Not Yet! Ben Biggins Said Read-On (LONGMAN BOOK PROJECT)

By Nicholls, Judith, Palmer, Sue, Body, Wendy

Some Old Lovers Ghost

By Lennox, Judith

The Bratt Twins

By Case, Susan, Wardle, Judith

The Frog Pond

By Case, Susan, Wardle, Judith

Best Pals

By Beaven, Tita, Wardle, Judith

The Queen's Quill

By Case, Susan, Wardle, Judith

Grand Slam Cup

By Case, Susan, Wardle, Judith


By Beaven, Tita, Wardle, Judith

The Bin Men

By Burlison, Kate, Wardle, Judith

The Psychology of Success: Secrets of serial achievement

By Leary-Joyce, Judith

Cambridge Plays: Heroes and Villains (Cambridge Reading)

By Brown, Richard, O'Neill, Judith


By Judith Krantz, Krantz, Judith

Cambridge National Level 1/2 Health and Social Care

By Adams, Judith, Riley, Mary, Peteiro, Maria Ferreiro

The Passion of Emily Dickinson

By Farr, Judith

Flat Stomach In 15 Days

By Wills, Judith

Signposts to Music: Signposts to Music: Tempo

By Lougheed, Judith


By Nicholls, Judith, Cockroft, Jason

Bright Day is Done (Coronet Books)

By Saxton, Judith

Wife in the North

By O'Reilly, Judith

Herbs and Spices (Colour Cookery)

By Ferguson, Judith