books by author

Engagement Between Enemies: AND Tycoon Takes Revenge (Silhouette Desire): Engagement Between Enemies / Tycoon Takes Revenge

European Union Law (Nutshells S.)

Around the world in eighty days;

Dick Whittington (Read It Yourself)

Maths on Display (Creative activities for the teaching of infant maths)

Maths on Display (Creative activities for the teaching of infant maths)

Classwise: Organisation and topic ideas for teachers of children from five to seven

A Positive Approach: Creating a Learning Environment That Encourages and Supports Good Behaviour (Creative Teaching S.)

A Sense of Place: Activities Which Develop Geographical Skills Through the Study of Places and Themes for Children from Five to Nine Years (Kids' Stuff)

One Night Before Christmas: A Billionaire for Christmas / One Night, Second Chance / It Happened One Night

Spinifex Australian edition (Cambridge Reading Australia)

Glo Worm And the Big Freeze (Glo friends)

VBScript Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)

Glo Crickets Merry Chase (Glo friends)