books by author

Methods in Social Epidemiology: Research Design and Methods (Public Health/Epidemiology and Biostatistics)

Digital Marketing: Integrating Strategy and Tactics with Values, A Guidebook for Executives, Managers, and Students

Adorno and Ethics (New German Critique)


Capabilities Equality: Basic Issues and Problems (Routledge Innovations in Political Theory)

Anaesthesia Review: No. 6

Medical Problems and the Anaesthetist (Current Topics in Anaesthesia S.)

The Personal MBA: A World-Class Business Education in a Single Volume

What Makes it Go

How to be a Minister

Essentials of WAIS-IV Assessment (Essentials of Psychological Assessment)

Implementing IPSec: Making Security Work on VPNs, Intranets and Extranets (Networking Council)

Essentials of WAIS-III Assessment (Essentials of Psychological Assessment)

Happiness Is a Choice

Cooking the Caribbean Way (Cooking Around the World) (Cooking Around the World S.)

Pharmacology in the Practice of Anaesthesia

First Aid for theĀ® Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship: Second Edition (First Aid Series)

First Aid for the Surgery Clerkship (First Aid Series)

First Aid for the Pediatrics Clerkship (First Aid Series)

The Korean War: Challenges In Crisis, Credibility And Command (America in Crisis)

Handbook of Electronics Calculations: For Engineers and Technicians

The Tiny Wife

The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything ... Fast

Tectonic Shifts in Financial Markets: People, Policies, and Institutions

Renewal: Labour's Britain in the 1980S


All Are Welcome

Money, the Financial System and the Economy: Institutions, Analysis and Policy
Developments in Fracture Mechanics Test Methods Standardization