books by author

Kings & Queens

Venice Menace (MASK)

Understanding Who You Are in Christ Study Guide

Gods and Men: Myths and Legends from the World's Religions (Oxford Myths & Legends)

Restoring Furniture

Saints of the Twentieth Century

People and Organizations (Set books)

Conservative Realism: New Essays in Conservatism

Core Higher Geography

The Evolution of 20th Century Architecture: A Synoptic Account

How School Leaders Contribute to Student Success: The Four Paths Framework: 23 (Studies in Educational Leadership, 23)

Wiley′s Real Latin: Learning Latin from the Source


The Snowflake: Winter's Frozen Artistry

The Half Brother

Letters to Sir William Temple (Classics)

Naya Nuki: Shoshoni Girl Who Ran (Amazing Indian Children Series)

Numerical Methods for Metamaterial Design: 127 (Topics in Applied Physics, 127)

Civilisation: A Personal View

Hamann: Writings on Philosophy and Language (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy)

The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions Of A People Under Siege

British Fascism


List of Books

I Wish You'd Talk Straight!

Jewish Messianic Thoughts in an Age of Despair

City, Class and Culture: Studies of Cultural Production and Social Policy in Victorian Manchester

The Politics of Marginality: Race, the Radical Right and Minorities in Twentieth Century Britain

Practical Yacht Navigator