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Public Services and Market Mechanisms: Competition, Contracting and the New Public Management (Public Policy and Politics)

By Walsh, Kieron

Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 1

By Gillen, Kieron, Larroca, Salvador

Developmental Psychology in Action (Child Development)

By Wood, Clare, Littleton, Karen, Sheehy, Kieron, Clare Wood, Karen Littleton, Kieron Sheehy

Trust: ..From Socrates to Spin

By O'Hara, Kieron, Hutton, Will

After Blair: David Cameron and the Conservative Tradition

By O'Hara, Kieron

The Enlightenment: A Beginner's Guide (Beginner's Guides)

By O'Hara, Kieron

The Mortal Man

By Winn, Kieron

Old Too Soon, Smart Too Late: My Story

By Holt, Oliver, Dyer, Kieron

The High Court: A User's Guide

By Wood, Kieron

Equality, Participation and Inclusion 1: Diverse Perspectives

By Rix, Jonathan, Nind, Melanie, Sheehy, Kieron, Simmons, Katy

Equality, Participation and Inclusion 2: Diverse Contexts (David Fulton Books)

By Rix, Jonathan, Nind, Melanie, Sheehy, Kieron, Simmons, Katy

Boo!!! Said the Banshee

By Carville, Declan, Black, Kieron

The Big Fight (OBrien Fliers - Flyer 3)

By Murphy, Frank, Black, Kieron

BBC Bitesize AQA GCSE (9-1) Combined Science Trilogy Higher Revision Guide for home learning, 2021 assessments and 2022 exams: for home learning, 2022 ... and exams (BBC Bitesize GCSE 2017)

By Bailey, Karen, Nixon, Kieron, Dawson, Byron

Inclusive Education: Diverse Perspectives (Learning from Each Other)

By Rix, Jon, Nind, Melanie, Sheehy, Kieron, Simmons, Katy

Equality, Participation and Inclusion 2: Diverse Contexts

By Rix, Jonathan, Nind, Melanie, Sheehy, Kieron, Simmons, Katy, Parry, John, Kumrai, Rajni